The Role of a CMHS

The Role of a CMHS

The role of a Christian Mental Health Specialist is to collaborate with the Holy Spirit to bring about a transformation of the mind.

As Christians we must acknowledge that mental health is important and that mental illness is a disease that we cannot ignore. As believers we have to equip ministers to understand the function of the mind. If you really think about it, oftentimes we pay close attention to every other organ and the least amount attention to the brain. What

I’ve come to learn is that the brain is called the forgotten organ. The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotions, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. Together the brain and spinal cord that it extends from makes up the central nervous system.

Behavioral issues and emotional psychological dysfunctions are called mental health because the brain is what controls every thing.

Overall the goal of a Christian Mental Health Specialist is to assist the Holy Spirit. Bring fourth deliverance, counsel to increase energy, focus, creativity, sleep, mood, while reducing stress, blood pressure, blood pressure, blood sugar, sexual dysfunction among many other things.

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